5 Popular Stoic Philosophies for Modern Living

Ideas to lead a good life

Afroz Chakure
3 min readJul 20, 2023
Pciture of Zeno by Paolo Monti — Servizio fotografico (Napoli, 1969) — wikipedia

Stoicism is an ancient Greek philosophy, has gained immense popularity in recent years for its practical wisdom and timeless principles.

Developed by notable thinkers such as Zeno of Citium, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius, Stoicism offers valuable insights into leading a fulfilling and meaningful life.

In this article, we will delve into five popular Stoic philosophies that continue to resonate with individuals seeking tranquility and resilience in today’s fast-paced world.

1. The Dichotomy of Control

At the core of Stoic philosophy lies the idea of the dichotomy of control, which emphasizes focusing our attention and efforts only on what we have control over.

Stoics believe that our thoughts, emotions, and judgments are within our control, while external events and circumstances are not.

By recognizing and accepting this distinction, we can develop an inner resilience that frees us from unnecessary suffering caused by trying to control the uncontrollable.

Instead, Stoics encourage us to cultivate virtues such as wisdom, courage, and self-discipline to navigate life’s challenges with equanimity.

2. The Discipline of Assent

The discipline of assent teaches us to be mindful of our judgments and impressions.

Stoics advocate for examining our initial reactions to external events and questioning their validity.

By doing so, we can develop a more rational and balanced perspective, reducing the influence of irrational emotions and biases.

This practice enables us to respond to situations with greater clarity and understanding, fostering better decision-making and reducing unnecessary distress.

3. Memento Mori: The Contemplation of Death

Stoicism places great importance on contemplating our mortality. The recognition of our limited time on Earth serves as a powerful reminder to live in accordance with our values and make the most of each moment.

By acknowledging the transient nature of life, we can develop a sense of urgency to prioritize what truly matters, fostering gratitude and a deeper appreciation for the present.

Reflecting on death can also help us overcome the fear of uncertainty, leading to a greater acceptance of life’s inevitable changes.

4. The Practice of Negative Visualization

Negative visualization involves deliberately contemplating the loss or absence of things we hold dear.

By envisioning the absence of loved ones, possessions, or even our own health, we gain a newfound appreciation for what we currently possess.

This practice cultivates gratitude, reduces attachment to material possessions, and enhances our ability to adapt to unexpected challenges.

By preparing our minds for adversity, negative visualization equips us with the mental fortitude to face life’s inevitable ups and downs.

5. Amor Fati: Embracing Fate

Amor fati, meaning “love of fate” in Latin, encourages us to embrace and accept all aspects of our lives, including the challenging ones.

Stoics believe that everything that happens to us is part of the grand tapestry of the universe and serves a higher purpose.

By embracing fate, we shift our perspective from resistance and resentment to one of gratitude and acceptance.

This philosophy allows us to find meaning and purpose even in difficult circumstances, empowering us to face adversity with strength and resilience.


The Stoic philosophies discussed in this article offer valuable insights into living a life of tranquility, resilience, and personal growth.

By adopting these principles, we can cultivate a resilient mindset, navigate life’s challenges with wisdom and equanimity, and find fulfillment in the present moment.

In an increasingly chaotic and uncertain world, Stoicism continues to provide a timeless framework for personal development and a path towards leading a more meaningful and virtuous life.

