You don’t have to prove anything to anyone

Constant need for approval and acceptance is a recipe for failure

Afroz Chakure
3 min read2 days ago
Photo by Matheus Bertelli:

A lot of times I feel that people feel the need to prove themselves again and again in this world.

The idea of reaching perfection is good but the constant need for validating yourself in front of others and by others again & again is never healthy.

People will judge you by your past, your present and your potential future.

The world at large is crazy — Nepotism, Unequality and Unfairness run large in this world. You have to accept it as it is because fighting it is vain.

You might not get anything or everything you want in this world.

Do it for Yourself

This I learnt in my college, many students came there just because their parents forced them to join and not because they wanted to study & make something of themselves.

In life, achievements will not have any value if you don’t want it & haven’t worked hard for it with your heart, mind and body.

My Chemistry teacher used to say this, “Don’t Study for your parents, siblings, or anyone. Study for Yourself because then it’ll have some value.”

Life has a way of knowing when you are working hard because you want something and when you are working just for the sake of it.

When everything falls into place and works the way you expect it to work, then the world around you feels like magic.

“Comparing yourself to others” is a Recipe for Disaster

Former US President Theodore Roosevelt has famously stated, “Comparison is the thief of joy”.

The more you try to live a life comparing yourself to others, you will live a life of regrets and anxiety.

You will always find someone who is more talented, beautiful, famous, richer, happier, taller, stronger, etc. than you.

That doesn’t mean you don’t have any gifts, it just means you are unique at what you do!

No two lives in this world are similar

You’ll never have someone who has had a similar upbringing, lived in a similar environment and seen the things you saw growing up.

That itself is amazing about the world at large.

Be confident in what you are deep within because there is not a person in this planet who can be you.

Embracing and accepting who you are as a person is itself an act of self-determination.

The modern world has a way of putting Individuals into certain specific Blocks because of pre-conceived notions about them.

You’ve got to break those ideas/barriers by being who you are.


Work hard for things that you have been given.

You should have large aspirations and ambitions for yourself, Even if others feel like that is too much.

Always remember, You don’t have to prove anything to anyone but only to Yourself.

Stay true to this and you’ve conquered the world.

