You just need 20 hours to learn anything! ⏱️

No you don’t need to be a superhuman for this

Afroz Chakure
4 min readFeb 27, 2022


Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

Need to learn a new programming framework for your new project or trying to learn to play the piano or learning how to solve a rubix cube. Learning doesn’t need to be hard and it shouldn’t take us forever to learn these things.

What if I told you, you don’t need to spend 6 months or even an year grinding to try and learn something new. You’re life could be easier saved by just giving yourself 20 hours of focused effort.

Since a lot of you will be aware about the 10,000 hour rule, it is better to address the problem with it.

Malcolm Gladwell and the 10,000 hours rule

There is a famous rule that you may have heard a lot whenever someone is talking about learning anything, it’s called the 10,000 hours rule. The rule is famously mentioned by author Malcolm Gladwell in his book, Outliers: The Story of Success.

The book emphasized the fact that a person needs at least 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to become an expert at anything.

This means considering a person spends at least 5 hours every day to learn anything new, it would take a person 10 years!! to become a master of his / her craft.



Afroz Chakure
Afroz Chakure

Written by Afroz Chakure

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